2021年9月9日 星期四

😖😖😖 Justin, you met Seth/ Yeth yet? He kidnap my mother might be ? So annoying 放屁的時間你們喝下去 🤨🤨🤨🤨 意思就是 embassassing birds, they like my drink but they far or pee in my drinks. Yeth knows that birds kingdom like Zawanna will not know all that?

 Do you know, Justin ? No patience right ?

Solitude long enough, they become one with insects race i bet…

Lee looks like 由基


I think, looks when you were young are fine. Zawanna’s personality so bad internal, I really don’t see outside look. Like comics

But others think….they look ….

I just told everyone they are psycho him Ghosty just like a cover.

Do you know what that means, that is a cover ? A photo cover album Apple sells potential .99?

Is your mom, look like mummy like resurrecting look each day more? That’s what they always prove the point, like politics right under constitution …so refine saying, that’s every each day more, mummy. Resurrecting-in-procee to-be….

Human so dull, they are believing it …to where they reveal their true identity like they downstair neighbor, the husband left jail or the wife also is??

Someone is all doing something to ….hint warning.

You are Justin, what should I do? There is a downstair, there is next room by, I drink, she cough …

She likes that …

The downstairs looks like a shorty guy, wearing glass with 汗衫 just naked kinda of. A bag of sting garbage on the orange trash bin, he knows, that’s jail color or India? 

He might be so psycho, there is a court notice so often in my mail box, 7th floor.

Court warning, so we will have zero money issues?

It’s tie tie tie …

People desperate like them are renter. It’s everywhere …in this city and it’s lock down. Even my brother renter eat his food all the time. I wonder why that university require no bombs

Started !

Funny tale, I tell you …it’s renting short of life makes everyone pay together all of it well and righteous, to say Bible never meant a thing, I know how I will do just do all that, remember that.

You know how people don’t believe karma? It’s not convenience to say …why you should?

It’s everywhere like that in coloring, everywhere !!

The far away horizon has a deathly toll, I even request to say it…South Pole for sure hues becomes darken cannot tight the tales of tale tide… 清喉嚨!!!🤧🔊🔊🔊🔊


People always meet at the karmic time, so right and perfect, you wonder if you will be next …

The spirit becomes hollow it’s because it’s meant to be. Not because it’s require to vent out.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...