2021年9月14日 星期二

JC popodessy, red hair…celebrity looks like Carla!

 Switch partner !!

Her report is nearly bankrupt 

It just tells you “demonstrate” is how you let red neck, or West Virginia trailer foster ….and thar karma just endless hurt.

SATO is notes.

Black white Tesla BBC documentary 10 minutes

If Anita is a guy

So, Lana and Zawanna/ Kail was saying ?

Tall guy physiology is what? Easy everyday shaving tired overweight fat liver.

Like Hank.

I tell public not just if I have to send a court in whatever electronic format 5 Lords UB, after Seth, Dean is dead on TV.

I give you reasons. You supposes to look very carefully everything I told you so !!

Most guys in the real military unit, when you say someone up there, yeah, still some even including Taiwan has Asian looks right to be someone in authority. Like California police stands there 5 mins, just 5 mins !

So 2015 upon I seize power, first few things I say to them was White.


In the real height of guys worlds, it’s a domination power shows to whom, them, or others they are make dominating leadership, when you meet enough these, somehow conference met, they become knowing, you have a responsibility and duty to your country or the entire humanity as a whole, leading a more wise and supportive environment behind, so that this world can be built as a civilization.

Those top, you will become that, if you get in.

But …

Not every tall guy like that, so there is boxing, race car, some sports of Greek you see pasts 競技場


Guys in those nature is endless competition, nature born beauty, natural born confidence, natural born attitude from solid family, nature born in flair of one of those California police attitude why he just pull seat belt in the car dark to he looks I shall become ?

That’s so attitude of them.

Look and become …. Crap.

I never intend to become a guy…. Until …

I woke up…one day.

You know, I never actually changed …

Tina always ask, do you think I change? What a psycho tells me secrets !


When you could fly, as tall guy has a cloak, cover…not wing, flying freely, that’s when I think about it. Otherwise …

I am MD 

Truly domination of a guy’s world ….what it’s, should or ought to be …

You are just plan 85 years old life span imagining 65 retiring funds 401

Not skII…iRS !! Right, tax shelter funding. 

Tall girls are …

If I were you, I would not waste a second knowing them or talking to them. What a humiliating to insulting my intelligent degree…ever to say …blood red darken color was to eat them magic, if were to say satanic…darkness blood clot, you guys don’t even have a period to exams every single month,

Right …uterus walls

I say blood clots to how dark is dark blood clots. 

That’s the only thing I ever look at it, right in front of me.

If you eliminating tall, to my height range, to screen & audition ( backstreet boy)

 Right ….SMCH too phony…those dwarf has a disease name.

It’s a proper medical terminology. 

Let’s just say Dr Steven will never do what Dr Gabriel ever look, but if I look as Dr Gabriel, 哼!

What a look to say, all that presentable …

Being nice and being leadership, just like I always say, 死了就好!!不就女兒替代你嗎?

Look, correct, it was rumor America military very care about superficiality …

It will worse off all worse….1000 times


But yeah, brain goes with it? If they give you 5000 leadership history books with them names ?

Copy and paste ?

Lazy human try to swindle life to pretend Ten mang …..how holding up a drink to look Status in the party is to greet right ?

Even shaking hands you nerves…

To me, just hygienic ….National Archive, we started 2014!!

If they Archive DC actually know they intern me on the name-lists was years after we do Ian, unlimited resource guys, to run off truck to hang on airing flow with traffic , to see night bubble lights, I have football 角膜 corneal, without eye glasses, 

You know, those swing door if you hangs 

It’s your weight to dang-ing- at…

That’s a girl doing that?

Oh !

Copy character was …it’s blonde, I see blind, dark color I see a things, that was too shining …after all. My hand soar…

Which me picture you imagining tailing trucks ?

No no….

Eternity Simon vs Demi ….26

You feel? 

Perfect ! A flirtatious cuddling to the degree if facial muscles to say care…d

You mean they kiss slept together drug institute I sign at windows, Wendy Vietnam dead yet …Demi



What was institute specification hiding of all descriptions and criminal might charged without a lawful pursue called proscuation? 🦅💣🚬🤧⚡️📱🛎

Life without a nature to say hallow eyes, and of that, existence, was a fair of future left remaining …good kindness forward to say oceanic floor statues ever digging like Irene?

Happiness not real !

If Fumble without organs touch 生殖器官呀!! doubt in Chinese or in English ? Yeah…~~~

Human IQ future might grown to seen…exactly I painted …

Happiness without 

Ode Keanu. A drink coconut ? You don’t actually believe it that the make a wish foundation dog name = Coco 

And Ava? And the mother ? Simon first engagement financee 

Dr Steven Harry Potter wife gf !!


She lives at near by Persian store loving hut not too far, beside she says that’s which CIA quarter near by?

What she saying that for ?

Strategically every door entrance they found ash? Like knowing all their existence location door?

I didn’t do that !

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~~ 🎶🎶🎶🎶 千年前你曾跪過黃昏的雪~~~~晝夜如畫詩詞飽腹他鄉終日~~ 🎶🎶🎶🎶 

~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...