2021年9月1日 星期三

Jason Pang Jao 講我想講的事情好了 !

你是代表你公司去 Survey Lands 嗎 ? 不要你們通通不見 !!

對了 ! 你知道加州有一個 catalog, I buy vegetable seeds or fruits seeds.

其實~我以前在 Hank 後院的一個圓圓的東西,我倒進去,就全部長出來了 ~

我什麼都沒有做 Cilantro.

尼克的朋友叫做 Totto 會很多Farming


hi nick, do you know Totto still around? Farming like photograph, he can make a sitesell to make money? He is too old to make a website?

Buffalo 有夠難長的 !!!!

加州是所有美國的重鎮區種蔬菜水果的 !真的 !! 

These are location: Williamsville, NY
California can acquire a farming catalog
These herbs, I actually eat them.
Nick makes Tomato Plants, I know that.
We have mint, I hate mink. Tea?

I think, we had collar. Green Collard?

Lettuce, Basils, Tomato,

Totto has a fruits trees, maybe too much works on that one.

Herbs are herbs session.

Plants like those are plants session.

He has grapes.

I think that is too much works.

You want to just try small tiny things, there, you dump the seed in, and they comes out? 

Basils I like.

Cilantro I like.

Red hot pepper are bigger plants.

Those medicinal ideas of kitchen home made herbs...You don't need a lot, for people like me.

Hank happen to have a backyard, but that has to be digging.

Where you want to locate, Pang?

Did you try four wheels?

其實饒邦,不要去想什麼 Central or Seth/Yeth, or your Friends if they UFO

我其實一點都不在乎~可以就忘了所有事情的那個人,有些事情只是告知你!你看到就過去,你 一生只有這麼長~~很多愛恨情仇什麼~

你現在快樂嗎 ?


They have to go to those park I said near Hank's house.

That ditch, they will have to all going down, falling all down, there.

All of them.

That is not a very nice things. So you gonna ignore that part?

My people. My new orientation table of all of them

Its 8 years.

Every year is all about the same, to be honest.

These are nick catricala's stuffs.

That is Alyssa and that is Alexandro.

I am not sure where are the rest of them, dead or prison, or exile.

You find your introduction to nick and them? I post their Pinterest me and them watering park pictures? No I don't jump those things. I retired.



I have about 8 years to complain EVERY single year of their orientation table package....like in UB, they have a bag...those pen, or pencil, or eraser, or one of those notepads, one of those Moscot....Moscot.....what is the school Moscot.  

That is everything they have so much to complain with that one bag, their uniform, from outsider...to which year of their heads will grow 2 inches, height.

Orientation table its every year....




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...