2021年9月20日 星期一

I used to hear that, but I forget all about it !


Ola, you want to have kids, you talk to your parents first, don't you suppose to ask them both, your pelvis, you gonna die on it? No, I don't plan to have kids. Its my genes... My life is not an easy going, honey! Things you all take an easy stroll lines. And developing your attitudes, you try to tell me, you are fitted right.


No, I told you after you having kids....


okay, I tell you these long life you think prince or Kings are ....

They live long, but there will be time, no one knows whom they are anymore.

Their life enjoyments are certain things, and which of those, you cannot make it, you tame with the guys right near you or beside you now. On earth, not with them.


They are Kings because there are reasons to be. You may never find out the reasons of all those why.

But all you girls really care about its your own friends and your family.

So does that girl....that girl with 亞斯

The story I got from my side was...

I was with that blonde hair guy. The Indian dark tone with her. 

So we are fine?

But She doubts, or she needs her family on weekend to this summer camp things we are doing.

Or whichever camping things we are on.

Her family comes here all the time. She needs them, to see Him.

All the time.

All the time.


There are things when you sleep with double beds, too. Don't tell me you as a girl you will not start to get jealous.

So at the beginning I told her, no, I would not do that to you, but I suggest you, you do not leave here. No, you do not go back to your family. They, that guy will sleep with me, if you go. They are different guys. Not what you think of.

She agrees.

Then ...one day, after days, we talk, and they have sex, we have sex, in the same room stuffs.

But you see, she is afraid and she needs her family to come close with him there.

But no, that is not the story.

She finds her way to get out that weekend.

Then her hurts are made. 

She returns her family, she never returns to us.

I do not ask a question. But the blonde guy let me see how they are, they are fine.

I know they are not fine, okay. 

But he is being nice.

There are things in that nature are so cruel, there is nothing like today's guys here on Earth, they just let you do anything in your life, really.

To be with guys, you live with fear all the time.

All the time.


Why that girl does not go with the blonde guy? I haven't finish the book yet. I think they slept ....in front of the fire place he comes back.


In my story....I believe its the military ranking. She did thought of the double beds things, but funny things, they make her believe, the guys just talk about it, they don't have courage to do that.

She always later think, we 3 talk, or that indian darker tone guys come near to us 2 blonde hair. I didn't do anything. I try to talk to her.

I tell her things you better try doing this way, she does not like any of that.

I think she believes what I told her, and she did confront him, and ask him straight. Of course you don't do that. But she did, she ready to leave !!! 


 What do I gonna do with Eben? Kids? They throw stones at Jesus, or Tesla, right?

Eben throw stones at Lee ?! 

Well....I adopted him, what can I do. He is a book worm.

His destiny looks a bit like that  Mummy's guy's that servant, but Eben loves human more than loyalty to that Mummy.

I think?

I think under Tesla high tech, everything is perfect but fake. Its all fake.

Seriously fake.

But there is some truth of something, they are very true and might be very very real.


Since you all telling me, you have so many tests and exams....I think something like Conan Detective AI, they have different gates. 不同關卡 

Kinds of like PC games, you go through one to next level, to next level, in Chinese, we say gates.





English /Chinese/ French 


Social Media outlook

Some system in places if you utilize at it.

Probably nick found out, hate so much that I went ahead of spirituality so much advance than his belief, to make friends with them even to start the Time backwards, if those saying were real, my invention was a dead end. Time goes backwards, starting Earth History 5000 years China History with the other side of Veil, that's why American are supposed to be here. The Time returns to these historical scholar, martial artists, and they speak the same Chinese characters, called traditional chinese, in writing !


Squaintle time with women....you forget what someone used to tell you ever. I told you too for 8 long years, cuttie. 10 years. I told you what you ought to listen. You ought to listen.

 凡心 ~

 In the real guys' world, maybe you are okay, ....maybe.

There are different groups of all those, you can make friends and be hanging out....you like the guys groups better probably. But for the survival reasons, you learn things with women are safer....the guys tend to be careless....

Not all guys are befitted to the jobs. Girls are doing their best, and the guys are sometimes....shit, because they earn that one life evolution.

They cannot relate to the pain.

If I am the guy, I will be thinking the same.

People tend to let go women, okay, I agree women are shaken something sometimes....but trying a little bit with them, make yourself happier?

yeah ...

Guys like guys. 

Indian 500 years old, will never hurt people.

Just trust what I tell you.

印度五百歲不會故意傷害人的! 男孩子喜歡的是男孩子 !!


因為我其實聽說,做和尚的,他們真的沒有錢! 都是要跟施主去要錢的,買襪子! 

我媽呀 !  那我呢?


唉~ 哪一天的哪一年你們會做到對呢?

我最需要的其實是維他命跟一些藥! 而你們? 是用我媽的錢,所以我就不用去拿藥的那個人嗎 ?




你們是來找男孩子~故意說我媽的~所以她喜歡你們嗎 ? 你們愛的是男孩子! 印度五百歲不會騙人的! 那講清楚!

 你們其實來幹嘛 的?

我還是可以找到警察的 ! 

Comment MD: 我其實是住在台北的大安區的就讀私立是成為私立某種女孩子不想跟街上的男孩子混在一起,更不是台中玩黑幫跟瀅玉

台中女中變成台灣的小護士在 Roger NJ

我昨天報警了在 UB 我的圖書館系的教授就是那個學校來的,中國人長的像 Aga

這所有男孩子不是住在台北的,我其實已經跟我媽說了,你可以去報警,就說: 我自己都有點覺得很不堪~ 因為他們這種家庭背景的,都是 No matter what 做出來的事情都是 No Matter what.


 Eben Pagan 其實臉上是兩個字的! 這 Coco 俱樂部是講台灣的李文嗎 ? 聽說以前是就讀醫科的後來是念完沒有我不清楚


李維嗎 ?

意思就是 Knock knock 

Eben wants 2 girls sleep 就是那種一個黑一個金黃的遊戲~ 我現在說清楚,我絕對不同意! 




意思他現在故意不吃東西的意思嗎 ?那我不想要有哪種未來我都說了~我最痛恨有人跟我玩遊戲! 我只想過我想過的人生! 又尤其他的名字叫做 Paganism !!!


根本就是垃圾極致! 喜歡的東西就是眼睛瞎了!

小郭要怎麼去傷去恨去痛去結婚~我根本不在意~全天下結婚有小孩我也不在意呀 ! 

這絕對不是我的事情叫做我一丁點都不想知道! 叫做我絕對受夠了! 


 怎麼不說我去躺著休息呢? 真的是喔!

 鳥怕我去死了~叫做躺著就睜不開眼睛的昨天~因為我兩手開始抖!  我用藥過度還是泡澡過度~喝水過度~不對,切腳皮過度! 昨天我寫的東西! 叫做他們飛來不知道幹嘛 ! 





 我家人收留喜歡他們,我找錢給他們養呀 ! 那要溝通我問呀 ! 這他們了解他們之後! 叫做養不養~我也沒有覺得他們想被養~他們飛自由慣了! 

你們其實弄錯了! 我其實一件事情都沒有做錯! 


I said you all got mix up. I actually didn't do anything wrong. Not one thing.

If I do something wrong, its you do something wrong, you will all be jailed.

I keep saying it, online cyber protocol exist !!!!

You must know they exist, online protocol.

If I dare to proclaim something, and I am still here doing it, it means it not really saying it is, or it is not. They understand I have a reason for doing that for, and they will investigate at it.

Like Music Commander-in-Chef things.

You all got mix it up !

All mix up !





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...