2021年9月16日 星期四

Eben is a public speaker, not green shaker making like Simon Cowell house using by somebody else....his green smoothie.... ~~~~


To hurt people or to kill people....to be honest....You could just read books sometimes. If he is that into the books like his book binder lists....

Pang's mother say, Pang's father in 7 more years to be dead? He is 70 or 71?

If I tell you, or the court, I have some illusion about Time. Pang's mother is not that old looking, but she says her body is. Should I save her?

Did you see Eben aging?  

How long can I stop showing everyone a facts of all the photos.....to say it all?

It was 16 years, and then it was 8 years.

7 more years, he might be dead....wow...I have to keep finding him money.

Do I think they are target me?

Which part?



Which year?

You mean Earth year, or Georgian calendar year, dates?

You means numbers?

Do you ever write a paper? So police collects evidence, and then they told the lawyers or the court to get the paper ready? I thought I watch American show before, the police they write reports, or Conan Detective.

They file cases. Like a folder with pictures, with documents, with all the evidence written?

oh no, they don't really last that far, I found out....I think the police are...another case, somehow co-incide with we are here.

I think....if I try to drug? by the 3rd time, my heart going up and down, that the police knows, and will detain me. That is ilegal right?

... ...

People today are psycho, I would just tell you, if you marry to a police or a fireman, its better for you. My mom's friends, husband has a son, he is a police.

... I used to believe I heard news, by the crime name "you possess drugs" will be detained.


... ...

Long time ago, we have freebie.

My father has 4 friends, we go to party, with kids.

 In the elementary school, we do art assignment, and playground goes too. My father took all of us, to the near by park, he rides bicycle, and my mother with the stroller behind, we go to the places to play freesbie.

Do you know how to play freebie?

Not so much kite.

I like kite.

But freesbie is....we stand how far we are, and we play on the grass lawn, big grass, or if I remember the concrete land? I don't remember.

Like Twlight, not baseball.



Do you even know how to play freesbie?


He is tall guy, in the middle of lower of that hands, the horizontal of flat surface will reach my height, probably. He lower his hand.

I told you, they probably design every reaction of my life, to every degree of that transcript, recently my mother hands me....I blank eyes my hallow sight....my elementary transcript!

I went blacken probably.


Of course they target everything to me, not on purpose to hurt me. Optimistic groups suppose to be optimistic...no matter what !

Are you sure, they do that its to target me? Maybe a lot of things....just display there, by itself.

... ... if you hear Chinese Ancient literacy tell you 心平氣和

and one day, you are in love, and you fall out of your love, First love.

You got sadden.

You go really low, not to suicide, just very low.

Your heart went back up. That is called  "emotion" you feel going down.

You realize that is bad.

No more that.

You don't go to hell with that, going emotional that down.

So later, you just get sad, but not mood going with it to feel your body chemistry, its going down.

You always need to even mind in life, because Ancient Chinese told you every words, you suppose live that, no matter what.

Every words they make you become wise, every day on.

Every chance to become that wise of all wise, one day, in all art of war affair, if that is the history, you called it psychological manipulation.

I just tell you the truth, yet to manipulate, if I could get off the books, to say I really lie.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...