2021年9月3日 星期五

Did I ever tell you, 16 years, someone lives to tell Dr. Gabriel, I don't think, there is skin pimpo issues ever exists like Annca 鴻凱 in the hospital, he has a bag, a what? A full bag of cosmatics, of...cream, or something to smooth nice on skin? A guy?

 I thought they were mocking me in the hospital....

Annca is name Ann, with c, and a.

So I thought they the hostpial, 醫院一直在汙辱我的意思

They try to tell me something?

I cannot understand a word, or a look, or that bags...

Do you know what it is...to hold a bag, a plastic bag?

A zipper bag?



You mean those are bottle with shining ads, commercial?

In the Mall?

Human made those structure mall, you mean my mother, used to carry something SKII? No, Wallace did, the small jar, but they have a shape and shining lid?

A guy?

A guy would touch those things on the lid?

Annca is very tall, do you imagine, a very shorty me, hair up, and look at him up and down up and down, up and down? He took stuffs from the bags...

He open and smoothly scratch it, and put on the cream, like a girl?

I scream 


He is a gay!!!!!!!!!

啊 ~~~~~~! 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

 Like people tell me, weight issues, not because police needs to be stab? 因為警察要插刀呀 !!! 所以吃肥啊 ! 


Or you mean people say, they have a hard time to quit eating? You mean chocolate, on the TV? They smell chocolate, they look like Ana and Elsa in Frozen?

You mean I told Military last time, 5 boxes chocolate stack up behind them, asking girls coming up, and get 5 boxes, and eat exactly the same chocolate in one slot of that position in the box?

Same exactly chocolate, 5 in numbers pieces?

To taste, they have zero tastes...

why you eat them, if they don't taste sweet? 他們為什麼要吃巧克力,甜的!那是沒有味道的東西!!!

吃五個巧克力在同一個盒子的裡面~一樣的巧克力,你可以喜歡巧可力~同一顆 ~~五個巧克力的盒子?如果軍隊發送呀 !?


太陽餅吧 !!! 月餅!喜餅!!





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...