2021年9月1日 星期三

星據點 !! 錢櫃找你! 還是你們找他們?

 中山女中 跟誠品 !要拆了 !!!! 


Its all set ! Cake Birthday Issues !!!

生日蛋糕的事情好了 !!!!!!!

 Hank or Tina, or Aria or George !!!!!!

That is Haliey and her father's songs.

Cake is READY!!!!!


Mason, Lee!!

Cake is ready, 在旗艦店的哪個 ~~我想好像是星據點!! 

靠近我中山女中那邊! High School, that one. Near by.

There is a Capital Hotel, totally different direction of place on maps.

No, no bus, going that direction of turns?

No, walk.

You call Taxi.

Its right in front.



 Justin 昨天打不夠,你們今天還要來嗎 ?

你們自己做 Atlantic Concert = Gone

In 2001.

Its evident to me. Its very clear label to me. NSYNC, N S, Y, N C


I told that story in 2017. URL Here, 帝王之說

I wrote it to the online format, copy and paste in 2018

I made 700 video in between 2018 Jan to 2019 Dec, that is 2 full years. In case you cannot math calendar.

This song, who does not get the call yet?

What did I write that story? 帝王之說


And I put a relevant video, Thranduil with 4 people on it. Its not in the main story plot of Lords of Ring.

Do you all know that, or not?


I keep calling Dr. Steven Hairfield, as soon as I can get online, Twitter.

As soon as I can

As every monent as I did, every moment ! 仙劍雲之凡 That is what I told him.

I don't know if he still keeps the link, I got too many links, already,

咽到我了 !!!!


 我好像是說舍利弗入席 2018 年

現在 2021 Sep

我非常確定我寫的是 "入席", 叫做準備入席...2018





我現在真的直接寫上去!!!叫做 神祇!!!

Playlist URL Here










 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...