2021年9月6日 星期一

恩佑叔叔的機場~台灣的吧 ? 我聽說東海死人太多了~就是老了! 你們人多錢多的關係~ 好像都是同一個據點~我說你們好像每一年都有新生 Anyway

 精神、安神呀 ! 什麼什麼生命中的炫爛其實都死了! 你們就自己貼過去一點! 他們假裝訓練你們一點! 有一個就一個東海學長教你們呀 ! 我不清楚他~饒邦的爸到底剩多少正常的人做你們學長

你們只要不要去碰 Scientology 就應該不會有事情呀 ! 很北邊!李維女朋友死掉








你們是一區人比較好~加州租屋率很高 ,誰來了~你們就會知道了!


 就在 Lakewood.

 真正在走路的 the real walking people with dogs, are older people, that was 8 years ago.

There are family, like Dr. Steven 安安叔叔那間


Those are younger family, but its 8 years. The rest of that commuity, walking, you just look at them one by one, in 20 years, there will be no more people walking and looking all around.


There are fitness. My time, that was 8 years ago, like behind, somewhere, the reason why I told you to go get 4 wheels. 我叫你們去弄 Four Wheel 因為我走到後面哪一區~其實你們用 4 Wheel 就可以了!



後面是哪裡我也不太記得了! 有點遠的記憶! 因為左邊還是右邊~那邊是死路! 那ˇ我走到哪裡去了!!!


 走久了~there is a bridge on the top?

something like that, and that on that side, there are all commuity, walking distance I can go that far.


Until you really drive with the real car, yeah, you go to El Toro road? you have to go all the way, to HSBC, that distance far, post offices? There I think activities whatever Mother's market all around?

We are very far from there. Home Depot its in the middle distance, but we located very far from there.

Home Depot across like walking distance, its the iphone I got, from when I left Hank house, he lent me the iphone.

So that day, I can acquire the phone right there.

You can train people to lose places, because I told you, there is a Taiwanese already exist hotel below, its their restaurant.

They say Taiwanese, not too far.

Not they own the hotel.

And I tell you, that is where I got things from Enterprise. You go in once, you go in every week, you try 3 months, without car, you know you can go anywhere in America, with that plan, to travel on weekends rate.

 Library ID is right across that Home Depot.

They have activities room with posters what they bring activities I think or the town things.

The clerk office for small business its, on that road, close to Post office, or HSBC that around vincinity.

There are people around there, somehow does forclousure business.

There are something like forclosure really very bad people you will see them somewhere.

In Amherst, we have a library ( near UB ) , right next to the police station. I used to see public announcement about court....what?  Its very strange though.




Coast guards is not polices? California Police, I met some.

Fire department.

Coast guards are limited to the beach area?

Taiwanese located hotel, that is near high way.

I used to where, I got so many tickets, there is no toll! That hotel is on the map? Those area is more close to the main road.

The other side of El Toro, right? I kinda forget.

You know, Google where, that entrance of highway, its an exit near by.

You can see Google sign?

I forget where....

Irvine Spectrum, you can see me Silas Wheel? There is no way, no way, no way, when you are in the flat road, to look, that is Spectrum?

from the highway.

That hotel, from Enterpise, has small road? Not the main road coming into the Lakewood park that ditch ?

You probably have other hotel all around. I just say I stay there before. Right after Tina's house.

You know, your GPS....its a pain.

They are not like cell phone, I actually never use it. Hank did.

No, the original, that...install software has some default setting of....users can just click, and got lost!

Irvine Spectrum, I go to 430, and Senior bush has book. They sell other things. Stationary. 

I think California fashion, it is in store.

that....just say "Important" 

Its in store! I move from Buffalo, you know.

Same like Silicon Valley.

Microsoft or Apple has a location in the mall!!!

I scream!

You should live there.

Milipas...that one plaza, you check the road from the Tower Hotel?

Park, pass, turn, left, turn right....Its SUV, I have SUV!!!!!!!!

Loving Hut, not sure still there. Entire plaza! Its so remote, I can see mountain hill behind. 

No one ever be there....only I go there.

I live in the hotel.

Well, Silicon Valley, you probably get things by yourself.






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...