2021年9月2日 星期四

16 years ago orientation table? I heard they gain weight. I don’t really know.

 That was when I was 22? Now you all becomes so close to ET, why don’t you ask them, to ….?

Simon and his father stuffs?

They like to play victims roles. I used to see trees or no polices…now I know there is a police I just go and tell things? No more this, your throat would be on the wall like Rockefeller’s or Simon throat on the ground of his own dismay ….

There is drug dealers near by …

Nonno does not play victims, a victim weaken mind to say it’s everyone sabbatarge me?



You willing to be passive ? Like …a passive role in life people teasing you and making fun of you ?

I actually have 10 CADS student per semester. One year about 20 students.

I cannot afford to play victims roles. 

They should be nail on the ceiling, or high walls, or water den…

Whenever you finish thinking, you will know how to drop …it right. 

Don’t tell me, you would, you will, you thought, you good thoughts, you pray to, you church, you was, you will be, your promises, your Heaven, your story, you hope, you cry, you wish, you heighten …

I do things for a living …it’s your throat at the air with your height in proportion, when I have a power to utilize all your mind filled with, magic !!

Laterly I heard a rumor, there are judges don’t wish to die …they meant you should be honest with ??
Oh ??

The movies story plots and content to your degree of liking in public hearing ?

Oh ~
I met Dr Gabriel
I talked to Dr Steven…
Oh ~~
They met 8 years ago, I didn’t change it.
That’s a priest, high
And ‘that’s a monk, tall 

~ ~~~ Trust ~in your heart, of that, ever and ever…shine ~~ and run forever and ever !~~
I believe, in you …and me.
Be Strong ~~TRUST in your heart of that high of all…we will be one up high soar …~~~we believe, it you and me ….~~~




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...