不會有什麼聚會,說他們出現 軍人做哈巴狗?
But, they are not ….the ones I said, in between them and grey, there is others.
The ones, if one day raining, me - one 斗笠
They probably all know that, highly skills they say they are, but I really don’t know. They need to hear it, I still believe, 其實就講出來,所有人聽到是做好的,因為自己是什麼東西,別人求你們講
但是他們全部都是 bilateral, symmetry.
The Kingdom of humanoid types.
Outside, there are others commanders.
TV shows none human, it’s actually meant it.
They already have no patience ! Already have zero patience
You lie
You IQ low
You mix up military and civilian protocol
You mix up math
You losing memory = you are low evolutionary human.
They are highly order within their military function.
Human soilder boys girls mix up things. I know that.
Everyone knows I know that.
I cannot do anything about it because…I am not military, Tina.
There are born to be military district 有劃開界線
假設 if you know they are horrible by knowing what American tell you, everyone suppose to study that textbook left & right, just by knowing them are horrible. Not because the industry expert jails people including Dr Shen if he mix up things wrong in the paper.
Those real academia world, has a responsibility. YouTina is in W two worlds. Height. 身高
其實看最後一個章節就可以了 …. …. 你其實也不會真的去揣摩故事的含義
I know you want to know French country things
Actually you just need to read the last chapter …..you are not really really go in that story real meaning.
世界的各種文明文化叫做『曾經存在』l 不管他們是多麼糜爛不現實,就算不是ET 是人
Worldly culture with all kinds of civilization 『used to exist』no matter how corrupt and drunk die down and unrealistic, even if they are not ET, they are human
But American shoulders/ military within 100 years people, count the numbers as Industrialists ? All go reporting to police 『I am innocent 』 they are your parents, you play reporting whom is what games?
很多人其實根本不在意佛教,更不可能中國上古,那些中國戲劇也不是那樣真的演…. 不是
No one really cares that Buddhism, for sure NEVER Chinese Ancient in the TV. The drama really is not like that anyway in the real context of that….it’s not that arrogance, wild mudane (Jesus ) in facts those civilization are King of Crown nature.
Be the King as yourself, the more you acting like such, your friends have more.
But the real coldness human, probably edge people.
But these all oriole, in fact, love beauty. Look
Love cleanliness
There us no such things all things spread all on the ground. Luggages just scatter everywhere, sticker put it on so randomly.
They went to airport
I myself feel it’s so ….scattering unorganized. Very messy.
They care about that details, I actually care too.
Human hurting them, hurting themselves they call family, they need their family and friends, human hurting me too.
No one cares about a precept at all. No one.
We are not front cover …if you count things hurting them, hurting me …where you think God exist? By cleanliness only?
FDA food cooking ?
Just eat moderate & exercise, really?
Not to idle away stupid talk, like your father your mother has a great hair look ?
There are 6 American police on camera, imagine 6 me or Reptilian ? We look all on the same monitor ? Yeah ?
Me, Reptilian and American police, we are not same side !! We might be all define we are ABC too, if just saying other language and move there to live it.
Anna says : is he psycho ?
6 American uniform polices: he should be dead.
提那,你曾經想過要修行嗎?你想離開地球嗎?如果他們很高 IQ 呢?
你曾經想要停止那種行為,對林鴻霖還是 Hank?
你對你的媽媽那樣,提那、 一輩子!!
你覺得我讓你做你想要做的事情,是我跟你先解釋你可能失去那個位置,就像你恨誰? 恨誰?
你叫 Hank 做俠咪,你爸人呢?