Can you see ? 在台上...我聽了兩次.
你有看到台上他們穿的? 你要不要想一下,我說你師出無門 .....
我走了 .... Not that.
16 years
Maybe you
381 (361)
on Tour
hestitate to ask me, flying slowly
he flies to....
Living Room/Kitchen!
好恐怖!!!!!!!!! BEES!!!!!!!!!!! How Huge!!!!
This morning, do you have any camera, I say its a wind, not that?
Its physical before?
This morning?
Anyone SEEN IT?
I remember last night, I pick it up, I pick it up!!!!!
This morning was two places? I hit it?
Do you suppose to call someone PETA!!!!!!!!!!
Magic? Any experty, I might want to hear some advices to that?
All the advices any junk I will hear it !!!
❄️❄️Your mother, Jason Pang Jao just happened to step out !!! ❄️❄️
❄️ This things happened in Kim's house
❄️ In the Taipei Station, right on the Stair, and
❄️ Breeze 正紀 Shopping Mall.
These things are....unbelivable
我在忙 !!!!!!!!!!
By the way, I think your mother saw this
She wants to train you, this time, before your impatient use up, that...blackness 430.
Utterness Darkness.
That means, you give up everything you have
Be here.
But, I got tie up !!!
I say it again, Pang, you lose everything, be here, with your mother,
Talk with a better attitude, your entire attitude is everything wrong.
SMCH has few years still pending.
Your mother has 5 years to go
You need these here now, not your future.
This is your future here, now.
You have a very very bad attitude. Pang.
Every connection are being made here, Pang.
Every people are coming in, these time. No matter what they are.
You need to be here starting this weekend, not your...whatever you imagine future, have money or not.
You sleep on street will not let go, these people put you on street or not, now or future !!!!
❄️❄️❄️ No, Austin might find a way, to go to America, he sees different things in his head. But Just one him ADD, here to keep his room. You come back with Wendy.
Be the guy, you suppose to be the guy Pang!!!
Just tell Wendy, "I am downstair, your outside office, I find a way, to find out where your everyting are. Drop everything, airplane tickets, we both buy here, got inspected health, fly back with your credit cards on bills."
Tina Jao
Your best friends?
Pang, where is Elon Musk human being at?
WHere is his credit card information, paypal account?
Do you use it?
Open it.
Scotttrade, open it
Get ebay open open
Amazon open
amazon affiliate open
click bank open
Find out everything about that Wendy, they can afford that place for Austin to live.
Everything on list, write it down, you check mark, your every to-do list.
Called ScottTrade on the real human voice, say, your sister Anna Jao, has an account she opens in Williamsville, Address
She moves back to Taiwan, she says, that accounts still exists?
Find out if Elon Musk is in the jail, Pang.
There is a Wendy, on Vietanese. I just make friends? On Fashion your scarf?
❄️❄️❄️ Pang, Jonas, is your school PHD chemistrist !
My lab partner across, that guy?
You know...these birds know your father is back up. Force.
You come back in time, you will be back up force
What you think they do?
Pang, Jonas, was a history major.
I have no history in America, nor Textbooks.
He will collects whom that airplane should be all...packed, Pang.
Lee has biochemistry textbook, never that Mason that stuffs, understand?
Never that stuffs.
噌倉委! You feel guilty now? 我大姊有一個化學PHD, 聽說您還沒有變成你的副教授是嗎 ?你是學校教學還是正常化學工廠? 哪一種?
外派的還是內應的? 我沒有聽我家的爸說過,但是我大姊說你聽說我爸是?不得已沒有錢的狀況? 我剛好有空這個 Weekend, She does not need a back up yet, we talk, you and me, sit down one on one. You pick a time and place.
『聽說我大姊喜歡購物,你買東西嗎 ? 她是化學系的那種不需要 Lab 的 BA, 你覺得她會喜歡什麼東西我買呢?』
『我學英文的,聽說什麼是蟲害,你會知道嗎 ? 那如果講市內不是住家,某種 Interior design 通常是不是就不是一隻蟲害講那一整群的意思呢? 我中文還沒有學會真正的 sociology 』
Jason Pang Jao, Wallace Huo might be in Double Tree in Silicon Valley, near the Airport?
Mark Chao might be in 411 Watermarke, Irvine
You take both photo, several their head photo, go to these places, one door few doors down, to ask?
More than once?
Stand outside and wait? Check car liscense plate?
Check building, checking human looking face, checking weekend, traffic?
Look on the airport....知道嗎?
叫做我順便路過! 你不知道是你聽說整個 town will know you fame so well....
Tina Jao, where is Elon Musk???
oh ~ that must be insane ~~~ I am not saying that one.
I say Elon Musk !!!! You can just purchase the book and read about it, Tina.
okay, Jason Pang Jao, and Tina Jao
You are both dogs, looking on the pretty magazine.
Learn the movies!
Like your way, or high way?
Watch This
花千骨 18 集
I am eating!!! Instant noodles.
WHo wrote that on the Description?
I am looking for which episode of 花千骨?
所以應該是第19 集?
Where are you烈火如歌, How come 我怎麼又在聽歌曲? 上次是講耳鳴?還是耳疾?
五官是哪幾個? 眼耳口鼻?
觸覺嗎 ?皮膚的意思!
全身上下都是皮膚~不是講扒了皮什麼吧 ?
我扒了小鬼的皮,他們喜歡講自殺! 我說會暈過去~扒完皮再去給你們第二步:自殺呀 !
有種人極刑久了別人... 會有很多感想對!
小和尚去把白子畫的菜單~說他自己想吃 ! 我去教其他人煮菜! 後來看花千骨,才知道他去偷看電視? Behind, with Apple Time, 2017