Medical Board Committee, I have a crime in National Treasure with Nicolas name in it too.
Should I look at it. I am putting it on.
Killing already-dead-human in the mind, has a harvest organ marketing line, sounds like a market methods with ET idea, this is never about ET? Greys? I mean is Project Camelot about ET are? Their High Tech? Disclosure....
Conspiracy! ~ oh!
Mitchell, you had a traveling routes on the map. Immediately you say kill....documentary
Allegation? Who? That guy claim to Chinese? others allegation? I thought I just talk to China by myself about it. Without United States
Bold guy, like my father used to be ....
2nd Bold guy
Evil ! his allegation, "he guesses"?
( They are on testing....MD board? REALLY?)
Secret Police !!! They are doctors? has to touch bodies, to learn the correct things as a military? Not Dean, not Ola, not Tamang MD?
Hospitalization ...meaning they sent in to a secret complex, looking with the dim light as the secrecy place, Beautiful mind, or they are bright light, just like a regular hospital...
I have imagination to say secrecy ....word, doomed, bomb in my mind.
Genocide, usually mean, you are dead?
Harvesting, does not need to be dead....(21 years...)
What language is that...ferloo guun ?
Whose business?
Allegation guys, immigration refugee....he speaks so fast, I cannot type!
22:02 stop for a second,
Have you all ever receiving forward mails, one of those my used to be buddy psycho. cannot stop forwarding junks. Giant vegetable fruits Valley, by magnetic region. I grow vegetable in seed gardening.
Region of a magnetics.
I didn't hear all of ...where was feloo guun, in China, I heard that. But he has a route map, you know China map is from Russian to all the way south. He pointing from where he is from, to South Africa? I know the country, but I don't know where it is at on the map.
If I try to kill people, type ....fat is a sickness to become impatience and lazy, tired. Then stress add up, they panic, they scream and shout.
I look like...
其實我覺得很恐怖 ....我是黑傑克~~好像都是我! I say it always me, to be Dr. Jack. I feel its horrific, true. Just to hear about it.
I am telling you, when they say, never iinterfere 中國內政,
I always say, I do not own China, for some reason, used to be I say that before.
They are practitioner ?
Organ what... transportation. Impossible. You are saying Canadian, American.....that is not China at.
stem...state....I tuttered....
okay, I think I heard enough....there was a time...duplicate sheep started in a time frame. Then a genome projects came into a world of Science, that time, no Sitesell Marketing methods to make money. The real Scientists, they are fanatics. AS long as the money goes in, every country is horrific to deliver methods, and be creative
Have you check my uncle, funding annual year papers?
Are they kidding me?
Claiming, "Killing is criminal". Correct.
.... if you describe me, so far all that, its a holocrust.
Its Evil
Correct ! Darkness behind, when life is being killed and suffered pain, in this kind of description.
You can just genocide...but when you say that word, its you describe your whom parents, were???
21 years is that generation gap, me and whom???
You are saying a lot of things....that is too big for me to hear about it.
i want to go to sleep.
I don't want to listen anymore
Others whom are on tests....~~~ ♫♫一天一年,還記得屋簷下的雪 ♫♫
♫♫♫風來了~你輕輕的走遠~~~~~♫♫一年一年,錯過的時間 ♫ ~~ 大雪瀰漫的紀念 ♫♫ ~~~
200 miles away from china border?
You are not actually asking me how to do this ???
WHole Project?