小鬼小和尚,過來,你們爸媽是誰? 我們講了你們的事情六個月沒?
你們知道如果海水倒灌淹到你們的下水溝在排到海洋裡面?你們老和尚聽說過哪種艱辛的認真,俗話說: Zen 的故事
講假的吧 !
Military have to do thing beside Zootopia? Physical running, standing there, to do my bicycle report, show up same height, looking nice, and going to Celine Dion concert to wave flag ...
Eating cafeteria, and all the meal I have.
Its to carry goods and water to assist me with the monks, or with the refugee, to define what is a tent and store goods and supply and be there checking riots minds set?
They live in the military compound, or they have sleep on the ground, jump, leap, frog?
Their senior officers writing on the desk, to their height, that is called Classify
Which military, have to come here? Project Camelot, or Avalon?
Meaning, to talk like them?
To write a report? You mean schooling?
They readinig my entire papers stacking years height, I know that. But it was ...no content related to anything but ...movies, art, and murder, help.
Do you know what is Project Camelot says?
Twist words for pronouciation, expression facial lip move, to determine, my IQ is as low as, you do it so obvious, before that....you just saying it to me, fine.
But these are for military, they become indoor before or after supply stock up?
How long they are in the military anyway?
They require to grow IQ?
What kind of IQ?
I live with ...I used to live in Canada, I forget to introduce you, myself. Bello, my entire life, I have remember the last 16 years, I have brain frizze to just talk about, how he and me broke up was to save my brain hurt....he cannot understand a word I try to ask him, or say....
Due to that nature, one day that venture to the Center of the Galaxy becomes....to the last frames, how many hours passing, it was a static, you all have to learn ET? Not telling me Annunaki, the gold legnad and myth inside?
Which kind of military? Not the regular military right?
I was saying, after 16 hours dropping....in the Contact Movie 1997, I become first grader or Kingdom Garden tour guide.
Rockefeller this life liscense, for special immigration Visa Statues.
So ....SMCH is = zero.
I know that
Children kind,....they are wanting to die.
Those 子歇 monks for sure, they don't work a thing in life, to say any IQ left....
Science groups 1900, they are in the Sailor Moon, but....to be honest, we never left the First Year college of biology book, or chemistry book....yet
My brain dead frizze dead yet?