2021年8月29日 星期日

ioh ~ The birds says 神鵰俠侶 They are the Top? like the Dragon? or the Supreme Court America?

 我在看武功呀 ! 

For the Western World, they never seen those those.....

For Asian, that is every day they watching that stuffs.


High Tech world = luxury life, comfering


很久以前人高呀 ! 可能跟現在一樣! 跨門檻

Long time ago, people might be same height, they crossing the front door, that step, Chinese Step, like those Drama school showing you in Ancient China Temple Built.

There is a crossing 門檻

What balance in life, just a physical body. I keep saying, you are all blind, impaire.

All you have to do, if no money to learn music, walk right, posture right, talk with manner, doing mature human suppose to be doing, and be patience with yourself and others, while healing each other, them themselves, or you Yourself.

What you learn the most, its from the derive of teaching, you receive humbly from that God whom they endow, that one life, you have crossing a monent...

Like this.

形、聲、色、象 ! Its just American wants you to gain tiny bit of that.

You will know you don't want any of this life, not anyway. 

There are many ways to enjoy lifes, with the world offers, and that build of America is so lousy, they just wish you all tarted....lived, What those simple life, suppose to meant, you have no comfer. Strive in physical balance, in at least walking, holding a firearm, posturing right, with style.

Talk with legal advices, writing an essay, tike there is a beginning and the end.\

Know the arguement cross points, between politican, two Party.

They do things, you cannot see? What you already all have it? 

Then, become !!!!! 

Those are small tiny things called education, that you have none in America. You just need to watch your TV, and one glimps, that is all you ever need to understand, how illusion meants, two party just really making sure eduational words are said to meant, there is a saying but not delivering a concrete doing in the real World. Bragging and hellish sentence call fund raising campaign. 



You are putting words out, never delivered, trying to say?

Precepts = not one letter or a word trying to be wrong?



its not?

its other say, you deliver

Its you you say, you deliver

So others bossing you, you surrounding their will?

What a piece of cake of things, called governing the world?
A community project

A builiding? 

Just talk to the builder permit agent, clerk office, "Hi, I don't bother finding them, you have a list, order of making the ground foundation, one of those wires so density bad enligsh, I mean underground worker, with lines and cross of those metal, looking, little thicker, to look from upper grounding? :I never is a builder, but I need a builder's permit and a lists of human names, not animals. Human names. Contractors."

 1. You don't tell lie enough to become them.

2. You don't money rich, family connection like them, to Yale.

3. You don't have a merit pasts to say govenoring

4. You are driven by points of views they cannot deliver

5. You are not sure a lot of things....if you were becoming them....


I know what will become like you, if you come here. So enjoy your current states of afairs to remember, some brain evolution, looks like propeling in talking, still better than, just sitting on potato chips, to feel, you are no body, and die in drugs and alcohol.

Its unfortunate, sad life. 

Keanu talks about it all the time ! 

Its true! 

I can feel it for you, pain. Church has free food on Sunday? They come in people that is returning news of what others venture to your attention points, its to height right, look right, photo right album, Facebook Style! 


You want to say a trickery life, to begger become, the door knock knocking life? Vola Life?

You find a Master, and doing it right before his or her eyes. I would suggest you. Like you promise you don't use her name, or 5 names anymore, to live life, to any scared of fear life monent, never think of her, never pray to her.....she is nothing, that is why there is zero point even to explain to her anymore, you are in jail.

Right before his or her right. You want to get both, their after life promises, and this life One life glorious moment to trumpet in Statue, Fame, Money, and Bossing Power, like waging War with others.

That is forever bound Hell...if that is so worse to sound it.

Not a real connection, because officially, I can just say, they are all dead, Like Salai!!!!!! 

Senior Bush.

Years to wait, are for them to be dead. 

You should ask your Master, monks, priest, or Supreme Master Ching Hai, I called her 越南小尼姑呀 ! 

I always tell her the true things. I just tell her online, she reads it if she does not want to be jail. In jail, she will find a computer to read it. Its just a URL she memorize it. One of them. 

You don't believe Chinese Buddhism

You don't believe Indian Buddhism

She is Hinuism lineage under, they eat food, like Harry Potter, Table.

Even that, i made a photo showing her so many times, and tell her 滾吧 !!!! 

Its set....

Do you even bother telling me, 18 floors hell 500 years ago....it was your Master showing up Time, or Babaji his mother does not want him Time????

Chinese 中文的 18 層地獄 definition 18 floors hell? I cannot read? 12345?

I go to Heaven, I am telling you. 

你不是說佛經六界? 天上地下無門 .... 喔 ! 

眾觀其雲的意思 ! 封神榜 ???? ! 


Do you know there is a fire called Greek Fire? Never can be extinguished.

你有確定你哪一個師父要下來串門鈴? 我告訴你 ~~~~他們我把它們稀巴爛的意思! 考我智商嗎 ?我的腦袋長的像人就不是猿人~~~照片都直接給你看了! 叫做人類 ! ! 沒有頭上有耳朵 ,什麼發聲器叫做哭大聲!! 我看到夠、聽到夠~我告訴你越南小尼姑 !!!





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...