2021年8月26日 星期四

If you put Dr. Steven ( dead yet?), Johnny Jao, and Hank align in the same house party?

 That is a psycho...hosting a party for 

A bus elder pass

A color blind impair

and a Father

This does not need a law decree order, in case becomes the last life....

If the history meant the Upper Class New Yorkers, I just hope intutively, you display that, in the real life time, so much times, its one years 52 weekend, that is one of 2 weekend days for food, drinks, and beverage, whichever years they left behind for themselves, or others in this world, they meant to say, they help me.

I will say this: try to deliver as many project as you should, when you just doing nothing but there....with yourself them. Whomever you see in the Party. Its your Time, with this Time, best to utilize, with what you like, dislike to hear about, to things, work together. You should collect enough eloquent, to communicate, very fluent in English. There are Conan Detectives. Not many people cares about that stuffs, but I care about a lot of stuffs. If they paint you to be so and so and some one to look like there is a name, regardless the look, you make sure, you live up that degree, to whichever use your IQ once a while, what it means to you exciting in life, that will guide you as a positive inspiration, in any future road ahead that leads you, next stop. 

You got a printer, unlimited pages

You got financers,

You will get a location

You got each other

You got a common interests, I say so decree.

You got situation real in life, to do with a lot of people, not just kids, but future generation as well. To look back and reflects.

You were what they known as the 1900, their newspaper whichever things happened to each other, to feel so, everyone's says karma.

This is the First, or the Last association to that every day count down on each other's life, to solve a crime, an IQ basic investigation others than manual works. 

See things

Talk smooth

Join a real public meeting, between each other, not just crowd, at...whomever at what's whom to believe whatever... photo says, get together, and leave, those sorts of one photo issues.

The real guys worlds. 

Make something useful, so when I one day, do just become the Judge at the real Court, Supreme....in America, I know what is on the paper, you have done this one life here, on Earth. 

And be buried. 

Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up...court in session !! 

Do you want to just get the people not dead yet so far, to cage in one house, they killing each other without stand right next life, if with or without legs, to being Next Millennium ? Called two time apart?

Shut UP!!!!!!!! Court in Session !!! Everyone Listen up, (knock hit knock hit knock!!! )


The movies only comes to real, for people not dead yet to feel they are bound together as a One family together for next goodbye or last department so I tear at telling you at court room...

Please in session and favor of this, just SHUT UP!!!!

Prince William 威廉王子



Detroit police department is short for DPD?

Like OPP, its from Ontario Province Police?

You are all abbreviate like airport? I know Toronto airport YYZ? 

NYPD more famous, or DPD? 

You don't have a theme song? Like Eben in Smallville opening looking?

I thought within the real world of the real police networks, there are known groups. Like within your each other reach....so there are two side, going west or going east.

East is toward New York, the Sunrise

West is toward California, you don't really say sundown. No. You say East is Sunrise first, like New York City reaching the Timezone line

What was that lattitude, altitude.

Eben Pagan.

What is he anyway, by the way?

By the way, you do know when I say, there is YYZ, there was a line, i meant on the map, it was going up to 3305 Riverdale Washago?  If there is a line, to Westlife one of the video, making airport high way lights? So that line, was at the Canada, USA border. You are DPD, you would know that across line, at freezing point, Simon Cowell movies.The day after Tomorrow? How you draw that?




Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. (knock hit knock hit knock hit knock...)

Court in session, court in session, court in session !!!!! SHUT IT UP!!!!!!

真的有夠吵的,沒有覺得如果有人是可以真的想像聽到的,會是什麼情況,叫做隔空喊話的意思! Its air empty thoughts, I feel I feel I feel I feel I feel....

Shut it, shut it, shut it, shut it, shut up !!!!!

I think about 2010, my family crisis finish, my mother took my grandmom to live with her, and take care....I will describe you, that Debbie was part of that family, that we stay in grandmom's house. 

I didn't continue her routine. I didn't know there are someone else exists, to watching me trying to work on her, liverstones. 

She did succeed.

I have describe that in the past. 

What I didn't know was, the court and the reality, has something to do with, how I decide life ...I pay off the student loans, with the money, my mother gives to me, so there was no interests after that piling up. It was from the New York State I borrow for my graduate school, Lee is not in that time, so I had a tax payer ID in the check.

Lee is only undergraduate study, where I also in CADS. It should be the same TAX ID. 

One Undergraduate, the other is graduate.

The reason, so much going on about these score of shutting up !!! Things, I cannot count?

Did I say shut it up?!!!!! Every time all of you Pixie decide life and death matter, I am blind, I cannot see. (Hit knock hit knock hit knock hit !!! )

Lee sent to Mason, he is so dead ... ...if that things is real. 

(Hit knock hit knock hit knock hit !!! )


Do you actually all read it the court paper, before you decide to shine me away ...I am on the 5, 4 ....花千骨 talking about the Long Stay Competition ....not going up !!! The episode of Flower Thousand Bone in 4 and 5 ! I cannot hear, you all Pixie are way too loud....SHUT UP!

If you all just stuffy right in front of my eyes, I CANNOT SEE!!!!

(Hit knock hit knock hit knock hit !!! )


 APO = Alpha Phi Omega !!! 

Its a fratenity 兄弟會 !!!

不是姊妹會 !!!!


 I think this show made, at when 2015? Did I tell you, the real court paper was in 2010 ? I left in Oct 10th in the Airport records? What a day, that day....On the television, I should tear, I am telling you, called parades !!! 

青天 白日 滿地紅!!!!

SHUT UP!!! I am so blind, I cannot SEE!!!!!!!!

 They are in jails, I believe, that is what I c ! 

So are they in tradition, that you have a court room verdict, and then air the show on TV, looks like, I say colorful clothing makes salary becomes evidence?

How many paper roughly I need to collect?

Tax payer ID !!!!!


 You should be dead....霍建華,西門的薪水聽說是 35 millions per year.

My airplane, and your salary, 霍建華???

Can you do something useful? How many stunts you have? 

No, I need a list of photo, or names, or telephone, high tech ID numbers? like no one reads those stuffs, I read? You are not busy, but everyone around you, near you, behind you are all very very busy .....

仙資 (仙哪個姿 滋 資 fee? )

仙緣 是因為我長的像仙童嗎 ?

American Supreme Court Justice !!!!!!!

Is there a word, you last define as 仙童,is that mortal? or by looks?

Where is the High Tech groups? One of those Keanu party box at the front? Its a shield when you turn it on. Do you have it?

Now, when you are ruling like Simon Cowell, with so many stunts...you are a 商鞅 with 妲己 idea.

No, no one wants to hear that stuffs, only I have to bear that stuffs. In the real world, do they last that long, to stay alive? 

Kingship to give it all up, to become a disciple of whom? Me

I don't keep any disciple, because Wallace exists with Ancient Chasez in every degree of saying that for.


Where is the legal court paper at?

If define, I am a celestial, ...

If define, I am a mortal, ...

Did I seriously tell Vartan, I cannot learn French, and no, I didn't learn. I cannot get in between the World Super 5, decide issues upon.

( Knock hit knock hit knock hit knock !!!! )

These court paper to do with the Flower Thousand Bones, are in 5 years time airing on the public networks.

The necessary means, jail times, divided money incentive, whatever agreement, was console, I do not understand a word, after that, what has happened. But part of the money goes to the loan agent, from the UB schooling. FAFSA !

Its for the Master in Librarian Science and Informatics.

We are through today !!!! 




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...