2021年8月1日 星期日

I speak in Chinese.我說中文!

 你們爸媽不諒解你們乾淨你們的房間  Your parents don't comprehend your cleaning your own room

你們爸媽不諒解跟你一起住的憂鬱,你的什麼朋友在外面威脅 Your parents don't comprehend forgiving you living with them, anxiety them, what kind of your friends outside ready to threat them.

你們爸媽不諒解你的廁所 Your parents are not forgiving your bathroom uncleanness.

你們爸媽不諒解你們部會到垃圾 Your parents are not forgiving you don't know how to drag your own trash outside, put in the trash bins.

你們爸媽不諒解你們為什麼你們總是把事情丟給他們做 ,玩電話上面不知道講什麼你們坐在沙發上面嘴為ˊ為上揚笑  Your parents not forgiving why you always throw things to them to do things. Play your phone text, don't know what you say, you sit on the sofa to play that phone and your mouth lips tiny smile to the edge on your face.

I say many times, I am not your parents

我說過很多次! 我不是你家長!

