2021年8月25日 星期三

I finish writing the General Chemistry, those .... whatever your all attitude, could possibly lasting to discovery of....color blind. Disney, your cousin is looking for you... or they are all dead to cook a warm soup meal...


You like your brother on the cartoon?

Everyone all has a quality in life. What you make of yourself to become.

About you are reaching 2 more years 40.

You don't see these numbers than some of the others?

你覺得是什麼堅持自己的夢想,有沒跟你誰談談? 很多人辛苦一輩子假裝是我的人,會認為人生如果這樣賣力,為什麼要捨棄自己的性命呢? 

人生~~~( crying )

都在考試 !! 我什麼人生都沒有 !!!!

I always heard this, people should not stay in school.

You know what Tamang used to date me told me? He wish, he could stay in school as long as he wants. 

We used to chat, and he has that wish. 


If your ex bf got killed, or to be bf get killed, or whom they are your friends get killed, what do you pray at it in America?

Like Church groups?

They need to retain Eben Pagan, or Elon Musk, this kinds, of real human.

Those were my past friends, are threatening them to the point, hurting their relation with me.

That is the only reason when you picking between names. If they are duplicates. 

In 2014, I thought, I might have lost all people, like my family. That was a year very rough.

Where are they now? The dead friends, Dean, or Tamang, or my cousins?

People like me to think, or people like you, really have to think now? or will be thinking? 

With tears?

I never really think. I don't need to keep busy not to think of them. Someone might be calling me, for them, yes. But I would not be thinking towards it. 

That's unfortunate.


I was very happy to see you in California, 方方

You have too much emotion in your head, you feel it right through your head. Even if you don't die, if tonight, your character of things don't sort out of your mouth, 10 doctors cannot help you. 

Modern worlds, no one really going through some hard physical training. Some of kind of military, might go through those hot and cold, so they have to stay equilibrium, while during many try out. 

I don't really know what everyone believes, but if you choose your life, to be that emotional....and because we are all human looking, no one understand you.

Correct, no one understand you 方方

No one. 

You and your brother

are like Alyssa and her brother.

Both has a relation name like 兄妹

A lot of people don't ever have that kind of make-up in life, in their family quarter.

I am telling you what you can list your appreciation list, that you grateful in life, what you have. 

You should. Not trying to cut it off, or compete off, or envy them, if they achieve anything else better.

Will you find out the Truth, when you die?

Probably not.

What should you find out?

I am highly respected in every world of science... all of them require me.


佛教說的反省,是你曾經有演化到的腦部發展,可以回想記憶,有人演化並不會到 ! 

死後,那都是在想像,會不公開真相 ! 

很多人都會告訴你會呀 !


方~ 很多人根本不知道你,說會恨你,其實你根本就沒有再前端什麼人真正的看過你做了什麼! 

人生過了這麼久都在恍恍惚惚,你的精神呀 ! 你的依靠呀 ! 


你跟你的誰吵架,就是在比較,你們一樣矮個子的世界,說出來的語言,如果 我解釋給 Eben Pagan 聽,你覺得他是什麼樣的人? 

什麼都不甩的人 ! 

HE does not care about those tiny petty mind language, you and illy saying.

Same short girls height.


原本 Victoria Secrets 是可以拿來慶祝的  to celebrate

而現在你的四十年,還不到,那會是叫做早死,方方 ! 


看吧 ! 沒有人真的知道未來 ! 真正死掉的人,都不曾回來告訴我們

真正的世界會是什麼樣子的 ! 


人生積極不夠,是造成他人的累贅 ! 

一輩子被你拖累 ! 

我會不會 ?

會 ! 


顧及到你的心情假設,你就在那邊跟你表哥做餐廳 ! 

我其實都是跟著什麼人選擇因為, Victoria Secrets 並沒有給我選擇 ! 

那是 ... 不可能脫離的問題! 

路走了這麼久 ~ 我其實很厭倦 ! 這些叫做你們只是血液存在的人 !



因為你在電視上面! 我寧願是 Eben 隨便做個什麼取代動作,我都覺得有點意義! 




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...