2021年8月14日 星期六

I am eating.....you all can eat what I buy today? Sushi !!!!! I am watching Haliey, it must be their parents, both sides, + Mormon + 1800 numbers, that is toll free... and who is this company? no, I have never used it, but I heard in the old age, of mine, I can call them to carry water all the way up on the stair, here. At the door, deliverd!

 If one day, you all understand how to be soaking wet....to read what I write, songs.

And one day, after that, the commander-in-chef cruelty, me shows....them something.

3 Arts of killing methods, horror to die reality, like.....how skillful, it is them, or will be, trying next hour, or every hour, til tomorrow....whatever they got in tapes, I repeat about hundred times, I am so tired...so I eat, something, they would die, if they don't....

And then...

After military having that meeting, unless 5 Lords, Simon, or Monks order were there too to see me naked...well. The military, let's say, they are all uniform, we used to do meetings, before.

Used to.

And whenever, we are soaking wet.

then, we are wet again.

Tired in the water, they are all almost dead

And eat something in a box.

Called Thank God, that is a food.

We sit down, to together watching.....this. I thought a little song, was better. no matter what, whom loving whom, we were talking how French, those civilization die out, was not their part of anyone part to know, was or anything in 1000 years, no one remember, what it was...that no one really, don't have enough education to change a civliization, because the education is low, that American advertising the individulaity right, its not really lasting...

One of those serious, talk, they have no compassion...because they have no skills, I complain naked in front of mirror like I care about it.

Right now its to watching this....Maybe I can just open a browser for a song, can I actually hear the narrowtive, what was the word he said?

I didn't hear, too fast.

So all those none related party I mention about their parenting, branch...anything I can do for you, we are all soaking wet, and small basin, really, how they cannot swim to splash all the water outside, I say, lines....surface or wall, or left or right ....no water out, please.

4:15 on their video, the scene....looks farmiliar.


So I can comments.....

long time ago.....I used to live in Kentucky, long time....long long ago. One day, about 8 years ago, I join a place I must to become, and that becoming, one day, was an India University.

On my file.

I look into the screen.

I look into another screen, they are graduates that with the hats, that going into the sky....

An advertising video.

It was 2018-2019. Today, 2021 we have new commanders here. Those years, were not really long ago. They have athletes on an empty school grounds, that far away from the main University structure, that away in the soccer field. 


So long ago, a simple drive out, to so called breakfast, in a host family, cinnamon rolls.There were life, that before all the fragment of what it ought to be, to live....And that one day, of my real life, never again, I could live that convenience in life. To believe....security, because...

♫愛情這遊戲 ... 換個方式進行


Fur..neral...在 corner...

離開你~只是因為太在意 ♫回憶不能驚異~因為愛你,所以才會離開你


愛的太深刻,卻何必在意♫如果驚異這雙眼睛~~太愛你,只在遠方放棄 ! 只是不知,到底未來何謂分離









♫愛情這遊戲 ... 換個方式進行


Fur..neral...在 corner...

離開你~只是因為太在意 ♫回憶不能驚異~因為愛你,所以才會離開你


愛的太深刻,卻何必在意♫如果驚異這雙眼睛~~太愛你,只在遠方放棄 ! 只是不知,到底未來何謂分離







