You don't remember, or I don't remember?
Right, you remember.
So tell me, if Pixie becomes the only paper 3 worlds Blue Purple things...that offers I say.....what was life after life, eons after eons, kalpha after kalpha, they only needs to transpassing pixies...such easy Earth world, in this one future, after this one life Y2K.
Only records, and becomes the rule was : 90 precentile?
If I were them, SMCH, you think I was like them that lazy, and impaired, eat so much food, care so little about people, care so little about liberation, hell or heaven?
Don't you agree, SMCH?
That kind of offers saying by you?
That is ?
Life after life karma, you promises to take it all ...SMCH?
I don't really believe you anymore...saying all that, after reading and watching all that, I impaire in the hostpial, you all trumpet to look like a show on TV whole galaxy...
But you do agree, you say that before?
You take karma away before all that initaiton date happened?
Including eating Eggs, last one pieces, you agree, in Danny's restaurant, Full House show?
I used to eat Eggs. Milk and Eggs.
You forget? after high school ....I start to eat what, 暖 凝酯
Not soy made. those ingredient I reading it since when I was in the grade school? You don't believe SMCH, I was starting elemetary... its soy lectin can be eaten.
Not lectin.
Soy made okay!
Every ingredient, I can invent as a chemist, because I start it elementary.
I hope you don't forget... all these food labeling, on precepts...
I meant it well FDA!