Have you thought about that?
What it was 2010?
The inheritance fights?
I don't want her to eating soup, because if I can afford, that is not what I want her, my mother to eat it.
You are so tired of seeing them around ....So this life, you are breaking away, now, you are speaking English, so no Taiwanese understand a word, I say to you.
所有台灣人沒有一個人懂我跟你們說了什麼廢話! 因為你們現在只說英文了!
你們人生的成長 = Your growth in your life, supposes to be 2010, showing up, like Uncle calling Irene going home, and trying to become....one line? few lines?
How to fight?
We just don't ever need to settle in court, they go for it.
Your growth in life = 你們人生的成長 !
They are dead, yes!
A lot of people dead ...
To discover the Truth, what would that be, to be that day?
Time, you cannot tell?
There is no hope in life, there is no reason to Self help, and for sure, that tiny connection, after this one life.....this one life....
We will not seen each other ever again....That is called Karma!
You don't understand,
in minutes, in second, in hours, in days, in months.....you will be eternal....like your Master promises, these garbage, never will be allowed to ever happen again.
None of your parents willing to lower their head, to open their mouth, to talk in between each other, for other's welfare.
My mother if just keep talkinig, none stop, and getting everything and even illegally....EVEN!!!!! I can handle any matter in Heaven, I can careless what she made of mess, if she did everything herself, so all of you, could have a temporary home to say connected, because they all wish, they had a family, bound together, you all meant to each other supposed to be, but the road you choose, was a selfishness....you ever question your parents, how your life end up today? Correct, it was all their fault.
You suppose to educate them to become listenring every single words, to trumpet, with money, and statue, and say, leave.
Get out of here, I don't want to be bother anymore, you pretend yourself to be.
You do your part, to educate anyone, prisons, hates, street, if, you have no choices to be away your parents....I do not care what you practices or not, you are Buddhism or Christian, or not....
What I care, if you try to propel the society a tiny better, to wishing others, to become something more than what they deserve to becoming?
Tina, 中文 !
一開場叫做阿拿搭 = No, not nick
親愛的,應該是~你查過嗎 ? 一開場
去探監 ! 回來之後的咪口跟董董
因為咪口的那另外一邊是有親戚的,我當年五教主審核的時候說過,她的眼睛耳多嘴巴是挖掉的,她的媽媽在擦拭她 !
她的車子就她的媽媽去 auction 回來的
我那時候在她家! 她的零用錢是 20000 台灣幣值!
其實我有說所有家庭,最好快點去全部一起打官司! 你的朋友叫做 汪星還是 Micky
記得嗎 ? 閃遠一點!
加州的四個房子,我好像佣人我告訴你,還是要繼續挖的意思! 很多人會要的意思! 最多兩年吧 !
他們覺得很好 ....
我不清楚誰買了! 你的東西在網路上跟 Hank !
They got the address, or private detector 私人偵探!
They research finish, I start to say instruction
Then I draw the map out.
Because I didn't give an instruction as clear. So I say in a couple day, with the map location draw, they see it for sure, they like it.
I heard 一貫道是真的去了加州
叫做 coast guards
But....American military, they have their own unit.
That 安安叔叔那一間
because I order 4 wheel, they will inspect them selves when they got in....they will search one by one location themselves, to find out....things.
They like whatever I keep things the way it is.
I know....
I know
I really thought they are in the jails too.
So I am not sure...
These every morning and day, have I told you, i have crisis? 我這幾天的白天跟每一天都是在災難的意思!
他們再祥瑞鳳飛~ 真的
祥瑞鳳飛 ...在 Apple video.
No, I have none. Just happened.
你如果提娜不是在監獄裡面,那你有沒有 Mokie的照片? 我還有!!!
你會幹嘛 以前?
三生三世有點類似! 他們做了一個...表演!
Mokie 可能認識那一隻 叫做呷咪我忘了
是波斯 的那個人家的狗
但是尼克以前我們有認識一隻叫做 Max !
Its a wolf ! Mix
Wolf Mix.
No, I would NEVER do that. He was a mild husky.