2021年8月16日 星期一

But They Have A Problem....




It just happened yesterday....there is a Vampire went to the Police Station to talk about them.


Do I believe it? I thought I said.... 

Drugged them, they come in to those girls. Away from SMCH, but they go joined the other meditation groups. These have ....something, they keep meditating.

When someone all people go to drink all the broth all the way down. They will find out, its a group of them, doing the exactly the same thing, exactly the way, doing it. Because it is the smell.

I don't actually believe a thing, that could be a conversation that guy and a police station counter guy, discuss about Movie and Vampire. They exist. Like it is in Vatican.

It is in Europe, Anna was saying something, she is not consciously think there is Vampire, but they exist. They don't go to the Stage like Eben, no, they will tell them to get off. Not that kind...targeting at.

Period, about girls thought Anna say Vampire without saying, if they are more dirty, then....if they are dirty blood everywhere in the tubes on purpose outside inside, walkway. They are saying ....

If the Flower Thousand Bone 花千骨 told you, Top him, White Robe, to Anna, it means they want Anna to lean more at Vampire side of doing things.

More coherent to them, not to Human. They have groups. They know whom Anna is. 

But there are too many military, that kind of drawing, no...if military 24 hours, she is online...no, she is being target. And the entire roof, she draws....Not that.

She did say about wildness....about wild, Police ask him.

He said, Anna says living in the City Better. Probably.

It is OU language, they should not go to the other groups, meditation, he says. They should know what that means when it is OU! 

Ancient Chase, in that comic book its a Vampire.

Police asked, Ancient Chasez. He says, it is a Vampire

Police : Ancient, he says, in the remote of those time, loooong time ago, even Eons, there are those whom are label as Vampire, maybe not modern time these, but they think Anna never thought about that throne is Vampire, that is him. Chasez, or that....in the comic book. She got mix up, she keep saying Ancient Chasez, thinking very remote the far distance away of the Age, they are human. No, they are also Vampire.

No, he says, no, not that kind of saying. Turning into a vampire, to become eternal living, Anna? No she will die. No, not like that, he says. Not like the movies says: bite and become and go to Vatican. No.

No, she is a breatharian, not liquidarian. She got mix up! That is not in the description 雙身法

and she says 雙身修 ! 

There is not many female breatharian. They know where they are, exactly what they are.

Butler, "Message delivered"


Dans le description?

The only thing, that does not have the description ....

Police says:

He: She has 90+ percentile, everyone can see that. You are not sure, we are sure.


In Taiwan, she better be vegetarian diet, to practice something, they believe that stuffs. She will outleaque herself, and we will find her.

In America is different

Today you say the later half. You will find me? 

Which me?

I am looking at the photo at....


He is a Vampire?


Red eyes are ....albino, or generally speaking, the forigner eyes can have red reflection in the camera film, Ola was working in 柯達 in Rochester.

 還珠格格 she is a girl, here is a guy.

還珠格格 is next to Wallace's wife 林心如! 

The main guy story = the Main role of the story, its the Vampire! 

Who is 尊上?

Which set of them, inside the 3 doors. Fat. So...花千骨 is a guy, Vampire?

A vampire is the indoor disciple 入室弟子? you mean inner lineage disciple? exoteric teaching?

Which lineage?






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...