2021年8月2日 星期一





Yeth, you remember, you are from Earthly? You remember you are here from Earth?

There is a line here, say 邪的很

Heart magic vs Ancient Chasez

Did you listen to what I tell you about Tree

Tree of Life you flip Sailor Moon those in my house, that kind of older collection? I haven't had time to check where are those mentioned ....I go by "my vision"

Do you know what it means, 

Trees, Hitler, Ancient Chasez 邪的很?

Sometimes, best, its really, just not to think about it, no matter what. That is what I will tell you. You don't seem to distinguish between friends, or Gods, including yourself. Things so darken, you tend to just be-witched, to be dump in it. Become Oneness.


Yeth, I think I know what that is 烈火山莊

Its the Buddhism, all together to become, a Master & Disciple, mother father, brother sisters together. 

就是你們的佛教十大徒弟的結合、家庭聚會的一種修行團體,應該看起來是一個山莊呀 ! 就是向類似那種講法,你們的家人! 佛教的總體! 



玉師兄到 ! 我知道了~這是睡美人的那個女巫 ! 但是之前 是三個女巫~這個是 Ancient Chasez

Sleeping beauty, that Dark Witch, but this is the that 3 witches, and that Ancient Chasez.

That is the Disney Classic ! 那就是迪士尼的傳統!  


Do you know why Yeth was saying that before, about his lost sister? 

你們知道為什麼 Yeth 之前跟她說找他失去的妹妹? 他來烈火如歌山莊的目的?

Because in the Universe, Marriage in the family blood looks better.


No one forcing anyone does thing in the movie, I already say that too many times.



I actually talk about 塞外民族 Isn't that the guest was saying before? not here....

So that is 方方??  She is 維吾爾族???

I told you, we were 突厥 might be.

The Outbound race from the North, you heard of, its Mongolian, that is all you ever heard of.

Is this legal paper?????

We can ask consultant, legal advices, about these Race and Last name, to divide paper, not to marry by force through the TV, because that girl was known 維吾爾族, from 新疆的! 

I am allergic !!! 維吾爾族????新疆的維吾爾族?

Why would I even talk about 突厥人??

Can I get some help, before I write a legal paper???  

42:08 That....my father went to Turkey.

Anyone wants to get that to know what that frame on the ground looks like, she is crying supposed to be, entire life? 

我說我爸爸去土耳其,方方在哭的意思! 這就是一生

抵達終點的意思嗎 ?

Reaching the arrival the end ? 

The end song...I watch it. yeah, I see it.

Well, there is another secret, square square


Long time ago, when 姑丈 came to my house, that is when my brother was small. I remember whom he is. He is a pilot, meaning the Eye vision things, was not just in the America, later on.

It was when he came. I remember my life

Clear, as that.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...