2021年8月1日 星期日

你們自己去玩~我要去看方方在幹嘛 ! 第二集烈火如歌



他們的事情 Kail and Zawanna, their stuffs.

Whatever...i already wrote it out, just now. On the Word Documents. August 1, 2021

13:09 Ancient Chasez....No  i don't know anything about him. So long he is not here. Ancient Chasez is not here.

YETH~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! What did you do? Why, we have these opening on the Second Floor? Cafe? 

That is a 品花樓? Where?  

One frames that bothering you ????? You intend to die, or you intend for all of us, to die? 

Whom is this red dress girl? The Yogi? 

You become her disciple Red Yogi like Babaji, right?

Why is the TV says, you becomes the disciple of that White Robe Master? 

You are not Flower Thousand Bone? To be?

What was the things they make this arrangement? YETH!!!!!!!! 

You fall in love with Ramses? or you want to become Ramses, and I slap you? 

Where are you living at, Yeth? By opening of the Time, you believe? You are right?


I start it again 13:09


28:32 Someone whom is the Pixie or Industrial, if UFO any classified coming back, like Bob Dean, they step into the world zone lines, exactly like the indian 500 years old Master coming down the moutain, there is My Lines.

You step inside my zone district, they will be rules to follows.


We talk about this zoning lines all the time, you are not this 100 years old human living on Earth, original Earthly. We only deal with 100 years old in my world, this modern world means. You step out of the world to become 一鳴驚人 you come back, these are the jurisdiction rules.  

Someone called Pixies! 


42:15 Blue little kid, 藍色小男孩? 他是銀雪

訓練他 Train him to becomes 銀雪 ! 

Keanu !!!!!!

Keanu Reeves!!!!! I am not a girl that kind of whatever this minute and seconds, what was said again? Betraying you 2 years ago for a 青樓女子! 青蛇 ! 

Are you listening, Keanu !!!!!!!!!!

Ancient Chasez one of his manifestion is 青蛇, One of that manifestation.

One of !!!!

