2021年8月1日 星期日


 You need an entire name list right, Eben.

Entire family ancestor trees.

There is a ETphone home, chocolate, he eats


He (eternal Love, Eben)

He might be just one him.

One him blue little child.  

11:36 Indian 500 years old stands next to her, SMCH 清海無上師,so he is the White Robe masters?

Indian 500 years old, Yeth says his beauty?

Yeth is = little kid that role

What did he say again?

You SMCH 清海無上師 greed to your own Master's beauty?

You wish your Master is looking handsome?

or it is the Little Blue kid says that?

Indian 500 years old Photo and Blue little kids.

Where is this SMCH 清海無上師!!!!! 

15:45 I want to go to bed....this is going to meet someone.....whom's father.

Where is this Indian 500 years old Master?

How about tomorrow morning, we woke up, you SMCH find him showing up!!!

I need to stop here.

THIS is gone way too far ...way too far.


You are eating nuts?

Me. I am eating nuts! 堅果類! 對我吃呀 !

但是這是在比較! 等等! 

明天早上再說~ I need to record this period stuff and go to bed right.

