2021年8月12日 星期四

8:57 暖心总裁定制鲜花和蛋糕送败家千金,温柔的帮她擦拭嘴巴,气氛暧昧荷尔蒙爆棚! 😋 chinese drama ( 我不是購物狂 from China Drama 中國戲劇) 不是台灣的!



Which boat of the Commander-in-Chef? Mad. We stop here.

Your stuff, One Bag.

That Bag! I have none! 

Not that style! 

你們就停在這裡好了! 他們住在船上,我頭都昏了! 

不會都剛好是我的事情吧 ? 我是 Civilian! I always staying on line 24 hours to tell you I am a civilian!!!! They cannot hear it! 


You have a lot of pressure coming up to Taiwan Land? Which land, my head? Its your boat, the water.

Okay, but anyway, you look at the map of China and Taiwan, you feel stressful? That is very pressurize looking? China entire piece to Taiwan tiny? That is a tiny channel?

Even if China sent from south, right across Taiwan, in 20 mins, China Ships to sail in the middle yet Taiwan Channel? 台灣海峽假設中國動兵 20 分鐘行駛台灣海峽????

You cannot think, if the entire China military, is at Taiwan? South?

Are you sure?

China Capital is at Benjin? Do you know how North that is, very very cold. They face Korea and Japan, so you say, China entire Military is at facing me, Taiwan?

Are you sure, you imagine things right, or your Commander-in-Chef, never told you, they started here since after WWII???

In between 


                    Japan 日本

   Korea 韓國      







Taiwan 台灣




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...