2021年8月2日 星期一

烈火如歌 第三集15:46, if people left only nuts to eat, SMCH清海無上師 and India, you will all be sue! I have to watch it.


15:46 She starts to go on the stair up. 從她開始往上走 (我繼續看的意思! 第三集烈火如歌)

31:43 I always have a feeling not long ago, like yesterday when I made a new album Pinterests....the 藍色小男孩 

    Where is Indian real Swami Order, alive, ordain, know script, practice meditation, near that Mountain stuffs, inside or outside?

    Where is this Blue little kids?

    Where is this Blue little kids near President Senior Bush, or George, Tina's 2nd son?

    Why is this Blue little kid becomes Keanu Reeves Sailor Moon, we play, a inside Earth, got cage, inside? Not just inside the Earth. It is Inside an Earth, then inside that its a Palace, Holy sacred Palace, just him along cage, or with future Keanu Reeves Kingship with all the sailors frozen inside the Coffin

    Why is Indian Lawful law offices, with Police networks, do you study English, Translate in English, and related this to literate Swami Order, whom has Book education at least? Tell American, what do you conclude those are? American will have a report on my own. If you are so inncoent like you can access into Shambala, tell that openly to American. Tell them to handle it.

    I cannot handle THAT!!!!! 

36:00, I need a court order, that looks like Wendy's Austin's sister is a public defense lawyers, I need a court order to remain a lot of people position in the drama, in the job career, right now. I am not sorting this yet, where they are, how they do, what they do, like right away, court order to remain there.

Reason: 5 Major Religion, in modern society, that require Lawful action to secure freedom of speech, freedom of right, to be encouraged, a free democracy facilitation growth on a free will base. In other words, any individual freedom are secured under the legal system, its not by Name forces inside the TV, but by a natural progression of public voting, or public request, in the most natural situation that given in my observation.

But here, in this TV, has another implication

That is Blue Little kids, and Sariputra 佛門第一大弟子

Hinduism are separate from Buddhism. Sariputra's mother is legally Sariputra's mother. That is not different. 


I said, I finish watching, I don't know whom that is, white robe Master called 銀雪 = Silver Snow

I have no ideas, whom is that Father, 紅色小姐的爸爸

紅色小姐 = Red Dress girl

紅色小姐的爸爸 = Red Dress girl's father

銀雪 = White Robe Masters

我說這三個我都不認識呀 ! I said 3 of them, I don't really know them.

No, Babaji personality never is like that. 


 My photo album is all the people i know of, I told you all already.


 Note: base upon the facts that square square Disney is my cousin, that is my father's brother's youngest daughter. 


Ancient Chasez

Mahavatar Babaji

Youth Babaji

10 disciples


文藝復興 groups 

Industry groups

1900 science groups

There is no cousins I know of???

Where is this mythology groups

Is Blue little kids, really a God, why is he on Earth?

There is a gazillions universe outthere.

Blue Shiva is a God

Youth form is still God

I know God as a blue child

i know God as a Shiva

They are legands as God.

How come they are here ? He eats?




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...