2021年7月23日 星期五

⭐️⭐️What? Yeth they misunderstood you !⭐️⭐️⭐️

 You know, talking to others or thinking in yourself, that is called fantasy, what if you have a twin?

Yeth went to Central or not, I do not know, but there is a process.

I gave him a diagram.

He would take the entire Earth with him, to go to UFO, so he become the chosen?


Why don't you trying to go to, I say, my middle school audition, Class Music, memorize piano piece, cell piece, and immediate enlightenment while singing a new fresh memory song, no one knows melody when you were just 12 years old? Then you try out try out try out try out all the way to University, and now, I say to SMCH, I started 2013/2014 on that HungerGames Stuffs.

Yeth put you all back on the ground?

I just ask you, he took ALL of you, to the sky and run to Central? or there is a Painting, of that Black Hues just bugging him? I describe my vision? Those black are truly so blacken, you have no idea how bad those really look. Very very bad.

I used to give Yeth a diagram

Then I say he and me holding an Urn at the Entrance.

He might really go to do that somewhere...

And then, I say, Eben pass by.

Then I say Gregg on OU language, what? ETR few pages prior?

Is Yeth were my stuffs, or gf stuffs we used to be in UB, so there is Eben stuff, Babaji said, that time?

That is in between those lines, when I added Gregg and ETR.

But Anna and Yeth are looking at their head urn.

Then one day

Its one the entire congregation, Anna just say, they all making it.

Anna tried to slim them down, or by telling them...

First, there is 15 items, all you ever want was a fashion of lifestyle.

Second, where is that one road Anna remember, from Taiwan to Tibetan, mountain river mountain river mountain river, she used to talk about it already, everyone heard that behind, some.

Third, she says about Dean, that Indian 500 years old promises, you remember your own promises...

Fouth, Anna says you want to look up other choices in 5 major religion scripts on books.

Do you know Yeth or Seth are a person that is living in America growing up?

Yeth went to a process, he has to study ahead, or making notes, learning it, make a use of it "ahead of every single time".

You are doing what in front of me?

That is not homework.

That is not a process

That is not what it is called you will study ahead to make it, in any circumstance, no matter what. 

You do that in front of me, in front of him, Yeth?


Tell me, do you know me, Anna, or Yeth, we both have a process? Whatever we are?

Spy, foreigner bloods, name it! 

So going back to Gregg, ETR, and Eben...

Me and Yeth stands there.

One day Kail Mursili, and Zannanza shows up. That entire book shows up, that is a gang thing. Yeth mean military domination with promises?

Full eninstallment, that US trying to get to?

All going to celestial?

so Yeth is not the only few with his friends and buddies?

Did he look at the American side of UFO classify, Kerry Bill, if they just cannot boss trying to call me, or not to calling me. Its their below, subordinate? Calling Fairy tooth fairy? It was on Nicklodeon. 

KY, I used to watch sponge Bob in the morning, eating cereal, UK dorms.

There is nobody.

I like when there is no one around, very clean crisp morning air...but its so dangerous everywhere. if they are permanent for me to stay 10 years, for me to feel settle, I will tell you, that is a life.

When I was in America, I change location so often, that is NOT life. That is a suffering. I don't want that. 

You stay in a place to say 10 years, so I feel settle, be lazy..yeah, I am lazy....

Not in all your words of degree what you wish to become, so there is Yeth, and his pals?

People went through things, always have a process....Howard Stern told you that, how he has to polish his voice on that radio station. He is very old now. 

Everyone went into that anything succeed on the paper, so Anna go and make them become my friends? right....because they all got some process no matter what it looks to me, Anna. Right.

You don't just deny everyone's by you never met them in person, from a piece of shred paper, I can just cut in thousand pieces, it does not mean a thing to me.


You should just take one step at a time, how to acting mature, and truly I meant it, maturely, be an adult, held your own responsibility, because you want to.

You want to be a mature person, doing mature things to become one day, to hold responsbility more and more.

Not one day, telling me, you are breaking it down.

We sort that way ahead of this.

So there is me and Yeth, you know they making it and air on the Victoria Secret.

I only need one Victoria Secret to faint...I don't really need all Apple and Nike shoes places to call DMV myself ...




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...