I don't know !
You know why I keep saying, they go to somewhere to try out? All these gonna be in vain for 8 looooooong years?
If they take their wife, I don't care about it, their family, friends. No, I have a name Title
You know, Keanu was assign with me under President Xi, that Palace Mansion with a library.
We were just playing behind, I was telling all the military 2017
Because we are so lazy, when 2018 comes, I copy and paste to become 3 esteen.
That is right!
It was not for Flower Thousand Bone?
Its for "One Photo" in 花冠安琪兒
That was why, Keanu Reeves was on this 銷魂殿 I did saying that. It was real
Its still real.
I just don't use it the website called Sariputra!
你忙完之後一個月之後再說其他事情~真的! 不要一天叫我做所有事情!
給你的,你真的想要嗎 ?