2021年7月30日 星期五

Time Department 2010, 2008? Victoria Secret 2008

 Not this opening, but today we sew this opening.

Second Act opening 8:00 Am,


What, SMTV or SMCH groups want to legalize melting 熔岩(容顏)的酸與恨?

Lava (face) in Chinese same sound pronouciation ‘s suffering & hate (melting a day)? Like yesterday …


I think it’s plastic card you master now know for requirement better a chemist or a librarian to start at floor ground, glasses credit card or plastic card her poem meant plastic tent ? She speaks English, you hate English, she says what in Spain …which year inside tent? I have on my video made called “Two Prince” 

你們非常非常非常厭惡一堆英文吧?叫做喘息的機會 …不是嗎?她不懂的會是?你們的利益前途、好不 profit …. Kiss ass on the…”Mouth”, it’s said “to the floor” (ground) broken glasses like the wear next to? After? Broken glasses…profit, it’s today, you know what’s today if you understand English at all in side your Heaven ….哈哈哈哈

It’s time to call your master if today you all have someone special to transpassing gate…today.

Start !

誠心修煉,是你認真思考、 深思熟慮之後、才會有現在今天、從前、未來, me clear ?

(13:16) Lee you next, I have to turn back video minutes….don’t ask that. It’s you look straight forward.

(31:17) in fact I have something I want to give Rockfeller that good kids name card to her telling her my mother I told her 佳佳 real Estates, is that your house same company agent? It’s about 8, 10 more minutes to 8, I need to go pee +poo. Wait …

Busy, writing contacts.

What ?



體重 (Weight in kg)  :63.0

31.17 restarted Victoria Secrets 2008 )





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...