2021年7月19日 星期一

No, JC or Justin, if they will hand you any paper, you just give it to me. Your manager dead, whom do I call? Just you.

 If you collect them all papers, I will return the US for something, you see what you can do for them, because you went to White House, in your which year you went?

I saw your photo.

You have a gathering of people there.

Your connection. To tell them whom they want to call? 

I have no ideas.

I say Pharmaecutical, lobbist

I say Medical Liscence Top Board Committee

I say Hospital Director I use Joomla

I say Science group / industry 1900 science groups, or Grand Hotel Groups

I say Female leadership in my Organic Chemistry Students selection groups

I say these much, but none of this I seen anything looks close to what they want their air bubble color on their head, means they have a choice to whom to call?

Whom? Pope?

no, I don't know him,

Prince William? Prince Harry?

I am not sure whom are on their mind, JC or Justin

If you collect them, they sent you from overseas, takes 2 weeks.

You put in my folders, I will check it one by one.

They willing to send it, I will look at it.

