One of those stupidity thing i would every acknowledge what she was or is or will be, now, before, or after …that’s not a question. (6:10)
What? Hailey’s father is a MD by now he advertised himself front and back. For a foot question …it’s called dear Lord !~~
Respect on the job, camera goes to a frame of guys?
I heard the guys missing will show up, she is blind to see how far?
“Yeah, there was respected floor cleaning you felt she meant you were or she meant you will be, you getting jobs in the SMTV, I know whom you are.”
“Right, she means I never need to know like I song Haiti disasters they look younger we are the World that song ? This Art and talent wise she encourages you all to do, well…the story goes, there is an Eben Pagan in that gathering sing a song prior to me, so Salai told me on his news name, Senior Bush. what’s his singer’s name? No idea …we stick to Harry Potter. Because that’s on the profile not on the look meant.” ( 8:50)
“ Vietsnese little nun, you black hair short presence then or will be, I cannot see …I am on 9:26. What was that a conversation becomes you don’t need her? She quits SMTV? You quit SMTV? If you are not ready to answer my question ….you feel to answer, that’s a microphone at your hand I can see….say it again, these 10 second was a conversation she needs dont needs, you black hair, explain to me what was you saying SMTV things I know behind, or it’s right before my eyes, I cannot reason what exactly you two meant ?”
I hear …
“Incur trouble, not respectful …hi, you didn’t know me in Taiwan, I was the last one dragging in, someone a girl she says she sweat a lot, let me have a seat, I seat in front too, you are very tall. We have met, in Taiwan Nominji songs that Taiwan 2007”