2021年7月22日 星期四

In case the video is not to do with the link last post. Erin has that front thing hair...she cut it herself but does not look like that.


No, they don't know anything about my white guys friend circles in UB. 

I only talked about, it does not mean I gonna do anything with them UB 5. There is a Hollywood them 5 NSYNC.

You know... a mature human acting maturely...if they heard this type of things, first they investigate it.

They talk to their company

They unleash their emotion second.

Then they acting trying to be a mature person how to look at that things...

not just...Anna does not say a word on it? What to do now? I have a Yeth Seth signature all over the entire World!!!!! 

Do you know how I actually feel the first day I saw Victoria Secrets, that Patrick is that Seth, becomes this year his new name Yeth?

That is one things I can forget.

It went to Seth Gordan? Has to be Seth Gordan, on no Reservation?

On Steve Jobs, that is Tim Cook look like damn Sailor moon movies?

Then Nike? Signature?

You know....4 funeral and 1 wedding.

One lost contracts, blast the entire planet...and the movie disappear in front of my eyes.... 

I sometimes can live in front of the monitor like they don't exist...these much of True Reality.

called Precious Moment ! 

So NSYNC, I know they used to work a lot.

Trying to work between themselves what they think themselves place upon? With everything else already I don't want to see?




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...