2021年7月19日 星期一

Ice Cream, the song I just upload, And this Dean & Tamang, No. no, that is .....not Dean or Tamang. That is her Ballet girl, Dean's one of the ex gf? She thinks they are engaged?



If Dean saw that, I think he meant takes me go, not fly.

I don't really know who she is. Dean lives very far away from me.

He lives in North Campus, they all are.

I live in South Campus, outside that School district, towards Chinese Restaurant, the shopping plaza, behind it. Tamang went there we Star Buck.

I remember now, he lives behind the Wagmans.

So driving to Jame's house, its not that far.

Yeth ~~~ did you ... would you, was you Seth, or Yeth that I heard strange thing about this Jame's Window you come in will just step on my TV tales?

No, I saw.

Not hearing.

That is an old pulling up and down windows.

63 Windermere Blvd. Amherst NY 14226

Bill lives in the front campus.

Dean one time lives at South Lake,

Sometimes he one time lives at South Campus cafeteria we go eat.

The bus arrives there, but no, not my place. I never told Dean where I live. 

I saw that girl dance in Ballet, she is really really tall. Ballet, you know what they do? Of course I can see it. They have to stand on one leg, up. Her height?

One time she was in SA.

Dean knows what was her major? in Art?



