It’s on the left …
I hang , on the chips, I eat first at the windows, all lights, bathroom and the doors here near light, I put whistle on top, then I spin the whistle, but I draw curtain all the way to book shelf. Chips bottle is on the shelf…
Lights off
What was it the romantic at beach ? I think Dean I walking, he tries to be cheerful that one, or okay, he is Dean, we just go over the entire routes….(those birds kills ?) you know ….it’s just one route holding hands walk like the TV script…
And rabbit ?
( Shut up , you all use smoke color or something ?)
(Why stopped ? Sudden ?)
Right, rabbit on dates toys ? How I would do it? Like my hands movement selecting gifts shops ? Oh ~ going on a shopping experience ? With Yeth or with Dean?
(SHUT UP)🛎🛎🛎🛎